The Rolia Cultural Association (RCA) is a not-for-profit organization in Ontario. Registered in 2003, RCA has been serving the Canadian Chinese community in three aspects: culture, quality of life, and career development.
RCA serves the community in two ways: events, such as the annual Rolia Gala, and routine activities, such as the Rolia Dance Group.
As part of RCA, the Rolia Dance Group has been maintaining routine weekly training since 2005. There are 40 to 50 active members in RDG, while totally over 100 people have received training.
Since the new year of 2003, RCA has been hosting Rolia Gala events every year. The Rolia Gala is an annual stage performance event taking place around the new year time. The performance covers traditional Chinese as well as other cultures and arts. It has been a stage to promote the connection between different cultures and generations. Every year volunteer performers, organizers and supporting team members sign up online, contribute their time and efforts to prepare the performance. The whole preparation usually takes half year or even longer. Over time the Rolia Gala has become a tradition for many Chinese-Canadians in the Greater Toronto Area. Some participants are from other Ontario regions and other Canadian provinces.
RCA’s events and activities help newcomers to settle down, to understand the Canadian society, and to make contribution to the society. They also help the Chinese-Canadians to connect traditional Chinese culture to other Canadian cultures.
RCA promotes voluntarism. From the president, directors, officers, to event workers, everyone serves voluntarily without any pay. There is no paid employee in RCA.
In conclusion, RCA has served the Chinese community through cultural events and activities. It helps the Chinese Canadians to merge into the mainstream society, to promote the beautiful part of traditional cultures, and to make our society better and better.